Arafah Rianti Stories from his experience celebrating Eid at Wisma Athletes

medialnews – A few days before Eid Komika Arafah Rianti and his best friend a singer Fatin Shidqia Lubis tested positive for Covid-19. He also admitted that he was very sad because this year he couldn’t celebrate Eid with his beloved family.

“It’s just sad, even though we are already working to keep the process healthy. It’s not Eid with my family it’s really sad but I have to lower my ego, if I stay with my family I write to all of them. Maybe yesterday I forgot I wasn’t getting enough rest so now I think I need to take a break first, ”Arafah Rianti said in a virtual interview on Sunday (5/16).

1. Eid at the athlete’s house

He also shared his experience celebrating Eid in Wisma Atlet. One of them eats ketupat with other patients.

“Eid only until 9 am at the home of the athletes, the rest of the sleep and continues to call video this morning at 8 am. Yes, here we eat more ketupat, I think, all my friends are brought ketupat with their family to make them feel tired, all stomachs are mistreated, headaches, ”he said.

2. Many new friends

Even though he cannot be with his family during Eid Al-Fitr, Arafah Rianti is grateful that he can meet many new friends in Wisma Atlet. He also continues to live his days with a positive spirit.

“Here I have 20 friends, it makes me happy too, it goes with my family, the important thing is that my family is healthy and that I am here safe and comfortable. Their children Good vibes really, I have a lot of friends here, at my friend’s house I am very busy. Everyone here is unemployed, no one thinks about work, ”he said.

He also said his condition was better now. If tomorrow the result of the sample is negative, Arafah Rianti will be allowed to return home. “It’s been 9 days, tomorrow the sample will take place, so if it’s negative, I can go home. If it’s positive, I can go home if the CT is high because it’s not contagious” , concluded Arafah Rianti.

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