Anies signed the SIKM Kepgub application

Jakarta (medialnews) – Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said the Governor’s Decree (Kepgub), which is the basis for the replenishment of the Exit and Entry Permit (SIKM), was signed on Friday by Governor Anies Baswedan.

“Yes, I think the letter was signed by the governor today, it can be done through an app,” Riza said in Jakarta on Friday.

SIKM has been maintained on the principle that all community members, especially those living in Jakarta, do not return to their homes so that they can prevent the transmission of COVID-19 as directed by the central government.

“We have learned from the last five holidays, the last Easter holidays, there has been an increase and we ask all the inhabitants of Jakarta, in particular ASN, to have sanctions for those returning from Jakarta”, did he declare.

For this reason, he asked residents to conduct an Eid friendship through videos and social media. “In ‘online“because it doesn’t reduce the substance of the day of Eid itself,” he said.

For the SIKM creation process, the applicant first submits an application through an application called Jakevo. In the application, the applicant must fill in and leave Jakarta and attach an identity.

Then the data entered through the Jakevo app will be verified at the integrated One Stop Service (PTSP) at the village level. If verified, the urban village will send the notification to the applicant’s email.

The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will enforce the SIKM during the home ban from May 6 to 17, 2021.

“DKI is implementing and enforcing the SIKM in the implementation of the ban on returning home from May 6 to 17, 2021”, said on Tuesday (27/4) the director of the transport agency DKI Jakarta, Syafrin Liputo, at Jakarta City Hall.

The implementation of the SIKM is guided by the Addendum to Circular Letter number 13 of 2021 of the Covid-19 working group.

The circular stipulates four criteria for travelers who are allowed to enter and leave Jakarta during the ban on returning home taking care of the SIKM from the kelurahan or village or where they work.

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Four criteria for those authorized to enter and leave Jakarta and its algomeric zones, namely:

1. Employees of government agencies / civil servants (ASN), employees of state enterprises (BUMN) / regional enterprises (BUMD), TNI soldiers and members of the national police by attaching a permit written or SIKM of a Level II Official with signature, official / wet electronic signature and identity of the potential traveler;
2. Private employees, attaching a written permit or SIKM from the management of the company, which is equipped with a wet signature / electronic signature of the management of the company as well as the identity of the potential traveler;
3. Informal sector workers attach a written permit, namely SIKM of the village chief / Lurah, which is equipped with an electronic signature / electronic signature of the village chief / Lurah as well as the identity of the potential traveler;
4. The general public who do not work attach a written permit, namely SIKM of the village chief / Lurah which is equipped with an electronic signature / electronic signature of the village chief / Lurah as well as the identity of the potential traveler.

Also Read: DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Sets 31 Isolation Points When Banning Return Home
Also Read: DKI Transportation Agency Targets SOP For Exit And Entry Permits To Be Completed This Week

This SIKM for travelers can be offered if civil servants and private employees are traveling for business or business. During this time, the general public with informal jobs can apply to SIKM for bereavement trips or to visit relatives who are giving birth or for other health reasons.

“For example, husbands work in Jabodetabek, wives live outside Jabodetabek, of course that is allowed,” said Syafrin.

Communities with informal workers can request the SIKM at kelurahan or nearest and it is valid for one trip.

However, Syafrin said that so far, the DKI Provincial Government of Jakarta is still in the process of compiling a mechanism to submit the SIKM to the nearest sub-districts so that the manufacturing steps of the SIKM cannot yet be completed. explained.

“We are now preparing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for this,” he said.

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Sri Muryono

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