Anies hopes that DKI Bank will continue to innovate

I really appreciate the performance of Bank DKI

Jakarta (MEDIALNEWS.COM) – DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan hopes that the regional business bank owned by DKI Bank (BUMD) can continue to grow and innovate, especially to improve people’s well-being.

“I really appreciate the performance of DKI Bank. I hope that at 60 years old, DKI Bank will continue to develop and continue to innovate by bringing novelties that can bring us greater benefits ”, said Anies in his speech practically at the 60th Anniversary of DKI Bank.

Anies felt that in addition to managing regional finances and treasury, DKI Bank also plays a role in improving the well-being of the citizens of the capital through various programs, such as the distribution of social assistance. to the community.

A similar expression was also conveyed by DKI Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria, who said he was proud of BUMD’s performance.

Indeed, in the midst of tight competition, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, DKI Bank was able to survive and even achieved various achievements in the banking world.

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“This shows that DKI Bank has high competitiveness in the domestic banking sector,” said Riza.

Riza added that DKI Bank has also helped provide solutions that facilitate access for Jakarta residents to public services provided by DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

DKI Jakarta (Sekdaprov) Provincial Secretary Marullah Matali said that DKI Bank has an important role to play in rolling out various DKI Pemprov programs.

“I hope that DKI Bank can grow with a touch of its main innovations in the banking world such as JakOne Mobile and Jak Card, which will make it easier for customers and residents of Jakarta,” said Marullah.

Meanwhile, the head of the DKI Jakarta BUMD development agency, Riyadi, said that in his 60 years of travel, DKI Bank has made maximum contribution in financial and other sectors.

Also read: Bank DKI Won an Award at the 2021 Indonesia Best BUMD Awards

“It is hoped that DKI Bank can become the engine of BUMD synergy to build a developed and prosperous city of Jakarta,” said Riyadi.

Bank DKI is one of the BUMDs owned by the DKI Provincial Government of Jakarta.

As part of a series of activities for its 60th anniversary, DKI Bank also organizes various corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs such as commercial capital assistance to retirees / retirees of DKI Bank and granting compensation for orphans in the DKI environment of Jakarta.

DKI Bank General Secretary Herry Djufraini expressed gratitude for the trust and support given by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as the majority shareholder of DKI Bank, as well as to the customers who have used the products. and DKI Bank banking services.

Also Read: South Jakarta Socializes JakOne Erte App

Journalist: Mentari Dwi Gayati
Editor: Edy Sujatmiko

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