After miscarriage, Atta Halilintar will take Aurel Hermansyah on vacation without a camera for 22 hours

medialnews – Sad news has come to the couple Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar. The fetus in Aurel’s womb was found to be unable to develop, and Anang Hermansyah’s daughter eventually miscarried.

Even though it was difficult, the couple Atta and Aurel admitted that they were sincere. Both are now trying everything they can to immediately recover the psychology, as a way to take a vacation.

“I also talked to my wife, did we get out of town first, where did we go first. When asked about my friends, I just remember that the trauma is still there, ”said Atta Halilintar when he was found in Pondok. Indah area, South Jakarta, Wednesday (19/5).

1. The vacuum turns off the camera all day

As is known, Atta and Aurel are very active influencers on various social media platforms. But this time around, they’re planning to take a full day off from cyberspace.

“In 24 hours, 22 hours we are both without cameras, in 2 hours we update the team, we also have homework, work too, so we still have to make history or what as we work on social networks, there are several contracts related to brands, ”continued Atta.

Unfortunately, Atta did not specify where he would take his wife on vacation. Of course, he also wants to spend time intimately alone with his wife without the media and the public.

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