Abah Sarji, 102-year-old grandfather who chooses to live near grave to atone for his sins: Okezone News

BRASS – Gloves and bare chest, it is the daily life of Abah Sarji. 102-year-old grandfather now chooses to spend his daily life in a nearby 2×2-meter hut Public cemetery (TPU) Lengkong, Garawangi district, Kuningan, West Java.

The wrinkles on Abah Sarji’s forehead illustrate the harshness of life at a young age. He also chose to live in the hut near Lengkong cemetery to do so. atoned for his sin.

There, Abah Sarji admitted that he could not be separated from the cult. Even at that age, he also spent doing dhikr, doing istighfar, and praying for forgiveness from the creator.

Abah Sarji doesn’t care what the local villagers say. In his heart there is only one intention, how can he worship solemnly and ask forgiveness from Allah SWT for the rest of his life.

“Yes, if every night the memory is read as much as possible. Like Astagfirullah, La Ilaha Illallah and it is as strong as it gets,” Abah Sarji said during his meeting on Tuesday (4/20/2021).

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Abah Sarji wants to atone for intentional and accidental sins in his life. The beefy grandfather never got bored of giving messages to anyone who was still alive to pray a lot.

According to him, now nature is old. In addition, a lot of natural damage is caused by irresponsible human hands.

“Who comes to the hut, Abah likes to advise him to increase worship. Then the one who comes often is Pak Kesra, sometimes he likes to give him cigarettes,” he said.

During his life near the grave, Abah Sarji admitted that he never complained about catching a cold or experiencing pain in his body even though he was often shirtless.

However, Abah Sarji admitted that his physique was not as strong as before. He even has to sting or use a cane while walking to get water.

“All 102 years are still normal, but the legs are unable to walk and if you want to go in the water you like to slide and walk with a stick,” he said.

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“Abah never wears a shirt and is not cold,” he continued.

During his stay near the tomb, Abah Sarji admitted that he often saw spirits wandering around. According to him, the spirits that appear often end up in graves that are not yet seven days old.

For him, the encounter with these spirits was a signal for living humans.

“Abah saw thick black smoke coming out of the grave and he seemed to want to go to his family. Well, strangely, in the morning the hole in the grave that was known to be the smoke point that came out last night, n ‘wasn’t even at all,’ he said.


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