100 Mampang Prapatan Residents Underwent Antigen Swab Testing After Returning Home

If a person is positive, they should undergo independent isolation and then be tested for swabs based on PCR

Jakarta (medialnews) – Around 100 residents of Mampang Prapatan underwent an antigen collection test carried out by the local area police for the period of May 16 to 19, 2021 after returning to Jakarta after returning to Lebaran country .

“Since the implementation since May 16 until now, nothing has been positive,” Polsek Mampang Prapatan police chief Hari Agung Julianto said in Jakarta on Thursday.

Also read: Police distributed 19 tons of rice to residents who were in independent isolation

His party has prepared a stream if a citizen who is positive for COVID-19 is found on the basis of an antigen sample test.

If there is a positive, then they must undergo independent isolation and will then be tested on a “swab based on”.polymerase chain reaction(PCR).

If the results of the PCR test are positive, the treatment will be carried out if there are symptoms in a hospital or adequate facilities and if there are no symptoms, self-isolation will be carried out in a special place. .

Also Read: Lenteng Agung Affixed Stickers to Travelers Living in Independent Segregation

Meanwhile, during the implementation on Thursday, dozens of Mampang Prapatan residents who returned to Jakarta took the antigen collection test.

The residents who underwent the antigen collection test, he said, were travelers who could not show negative COVID-19 information based on the antigen collection test.

Not only for the residents who had returned home, he also performed an antigen collection test on 30 members of the local police force with negative results.

Also Read: Travelers Returning To East Jakarta Are Advised To Isolate Themselves

Meanwhile, Mampang Prapatan Police will also conduct close contact tracing if anyone tests positive based on the results of the antigen collection test.

Not only that, 1,000 kilograms of staple food in the form of rice are also prepared to meet dietary needs if residents undergo independent isolation.

“The national police have prepared around 1,000 kilograms of rice and we are ready to distribute it,” he said.

A number of residents who have undergone antigen swab testing have praised the detection of COVID-19 for ensuring health and reducing the spread of the corona virus.

“I just arrived last night from Tasikmalaya. Thank God the results were negative, so there is a certainty that we are in good health,” said Mampang Prapatan resident Ai Susilawati.

Journalist: Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna
Editor: Ganet Dirgantara

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