Ketum Projo Budi Arie supports former GAM commander Muzakir Manaf in the regional elections in Aceh, this is the reason

TEMPO.CO, JakartaGeneral Chairman Pro Jokowi (Projo) Bud Arie Setiadi said he supports the former GAM commander Musician Manaf alias Mualem to run for governor in the 2024 Aceh regional elections, alias Pilkada.

“We support Mualem as a candidate for the governorship of Aceh. “Projo will announce it immediately in Aceh,” Budi Arie said in his statement received in Banda Aceh on Wednesday, June 3, 2024.

The statement by the Minister of Communications and Information (Kominfo) was made during a special meeting with Muzakir Manaf and other Aceh Party officials in Jakarta. During the meeting, Budi Arie advised Mualem to align his vision and mission with the elected President and Vice President Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

He added that Aceh should be free from poverty by creating wealth for the community. So, he said, in the future we should build an industry, downstream, food estateand digitalization.

“This is the right time to build a prosperous Aceh in the Golden Indonesia program,” said Budi Arie.

In response to the meeting, Muzakir expressed his gratitude for the support of the Minister of Communications and Information for his political objectives in Aceh.

“Projo’s support is an extra energy for all of us. We really need Pak Budi’s thoughts to increase our political strength,” he said.

He ensured that the vision and mission concept designed by his team became part of Indonesia Emas and this was transferred to the drawing team.

“Our vision and mission will be Get on with the Prabowo-Gibran program. “This is our chance to build the well-being of the people of Aceh,” Mualem said.

The Aceh Party has nominated Muzakir as its candidate for governor of Aceh. This local party can nominate its own candidate because it holds over 15 percent of the seats in the DPR in Aceh.

Gerindra introduces Muzakir’s companion candidate to Prabowo

Earlier, the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Aceh Gerindra Party had proposed four names of candidates for the deputy governor (cawagub) of Aceh to accompany Muzakir to General Chairman Prabowo Subianto.

“We are still waiting for the recommendation from the DPP, but as of today, the gubernatorial candidate is still Mualem,” Gerindra Aceh Secretary Abdurrahman Ahmad said on Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Banda Aceh.

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